Wednesday, 20 August 2014

What do you do when you get bored of a lace shrug? snip it up!

Honest confession: I love lace, whatever the colour or design or fabric type. If I had it my way, I'd have schools make their uniforms out of lace. That is why we have sane, sensible people running schools and not the likes of me.
I wish I had taken 'before' pictures of this one, would have made the post a little more interesting. Let me just go about it despite the limited resources. I had this shrug made of beautiful pale blue lace. I loved the colour; but the style was slightly outdated, and the shape didn't flatter me that well. But I just loved loved loved the lace and didn't want to get rid of it. I had to find a way to restyle it so I could wear it regularly.
And thus the snipping began.
The shrug was measured and cut vertically to fit the ends of a scarf. I had always seen those scarves on mannequins in stores, contemplated buying them and then stopped myself thinking 'Naaaah! I could probably stitch myself one at home.'  Well the time to do that had come.
The result?
el scarf-o de lace-o (couldn't resist the urge to squeeze in a lame joke)
I still had quite a bit of material left, in bits and pieces though, but did not have the heart to throw it away. A raid through my closet ensured that the little bit of lace would not got to vain.
Enter the regular denim shirt. Yawn. Bought it at a flea market. Now I see everyone wearing it. But add a bit of lace here and a little bit more there and...
lace-o shirt-o?
Regular denim shirt just became a little bit more interesting. It took me ages to make this. The lace had to be stitched in some pretty inconvenient places, so everything had to be hand stitched. Not that I mind. The average usage of this shirt on a weekly basis has gone up by about 4o% now (not that I keep tabs or make flow charts or apply permutation-combination formulae to my wardrobe.This is only a slight assumption.) and I am happy happy happy.
PS- By the end of this experiment, there was nothing left of the lace shrug. Talk about economic usage!

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